Help for Diabetes Type 2

What Now? Type 2 Diabetes

What Now?
Type 2 Diabetes

I was shocked, absolutely shocked, when I went to the doctor for a routine check-up and they told me I had diabetes type 2. I cried for two days. All I could think about is how my life would now be ruled by food. What a depressing thought! What to eat? When to eat? How to eat? Now I have to take medicine every day: for me an awful thing. I have a hard enough time remembering to take my thyroid medicine even after 28 years (that’s another whole problem I will talk about in a later blog). How am I going to manage all of this stuff? Testing my glucose levels at least once a day; more often if problems arise? What am I looking at long term? What’s going to happen? All of these questions and more just overwhelmed me, hence the crying. Has this happened to you? What did you do?

Once the crying was over it was time to face diabetes head on. These are some things you can do to alleviate the worries you have when first diagnosed and desire to get your diabetes under control. This post contains affiliate links.

  1. Educate yourself. This is the most important thing you can do! The doctor recommended that I go to my clinic’s diabetes education class. At that class I learned about the disease and how to get it under control. I researched diabetes type 2 on the internet. There are a lot of crazy things out there so be very careful about what they are saying. Here are a few of the best sites:
    American Diabetes Association
  2. Get Your Diet Under Control: This part was not too hard for me. It’s one of the reasons I was so shocked I had the disease. I didn’t eat all that bad, did I? I didn’t eat a lot of fried foods, bread, processed foods, fast food, pasta, etc. But, I do and did have a sweet tooth although I limited my sweets because of weight concerns. So, what was I doing wrong? I started reading labels and was dismayed at what I was really eating! I recommend that you start reading the labels of every food you buy and make eating decisions based on that information. You have to pay attention to calories, fat, and carbohydrates.
    The Best and Worst Foods
    22 Foods to Avoid
    American Diabetes Association
  3. Take Care of Yourself. Now you really have to pay attention to your eyes, oral health, skin, and your feet. One of the worst effects of diabetes is nerve damage, especially in your feet.
    Keep Your Feet Healthy
  4. Exercise. This is the hardest thing for me to do even though I feel better when I do it. I can always think of an excuse not to exercise: I’m too busy, I don’t feel like it, the weather is too hot or too cold, it’s too boring. Somehow you must motivate yourself to move. Not only will it help with your glucose levels but it will help with the depression that so often accompanies diabetes. So get up! Here are some suggestions:
    Walking – A Great Place to Start
    27 Habits
    Exercise Tips from WebMD
  5. Lose some WeightEven losing a little weight will help. I lost about 15 lbs at first, somehow I have to get rid of that stubborn last 10 lbs.
    Diabetes and Weight Loss
    Just for Women
    Start losing weight now!

It’s a lot to deal with. I sometimes still feel like a slave to this insidious thing. It takes constant monitoring and perseverance to keep it under control. If you do, you will avoid major trouble down the line. It’s imperative that you take control. You can do it! You’re over 50 and fine!!!!

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