Group of Naturloy Skin Care Products

Announcing My Own Skin Care and Beauty Products – Naturloy

These exclusive skin care and fragrance products are my own label and manufactured in limited quantities.  They are the best in skin care at an affordable price.  I have been testing them for over a year now and have found them to be very good for my sensitive skin.   Even  though I am over 50, I still have an occasional problem with breakouts and these products do not cause me to break out even using them day after day.

Today I want to talk about the benefits of Cranberry Seed Essential Oil for your skin.

  1. It moisturizes with high concentrations of antioxidents. This simple skin care product is perfect for use on dry and irritated skin.  It has a unique balance of Omega3, 6, and 9 fatty acids and is one of the best anti aging skin care products.
  2. Cranberry seed oil contains a variety of nutrients and compounds that provide benefits to the skin. One of the best benefits is that it absorbs so well into the skin – it is like no other essential oil for skin care.
  3. It is a recommended skin care product for aging, rough, dry and scaly skin. It protects against free radicals and sun damage to skin.

Cranberry Seed Oil


Next time I will discuss the benefits of Silk and Shea Skin Cream – a natural skin care product that works.

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